Friday, May 27, 2011

Sub-Par-"Update," Or Maybe Not Even.

My new laptop got its first decoration to commemorate and acknowledge the existence of the Linux operating system on it.  It's Tux the penguin.
    Haven't updated the past bit, I'm working on the guide to walk people through cracking WEP protected wireless networks (their own, of course, anything else would be illegal) for total dumb dummies that don't know anything.  In other words, I'm making a tutorial that could enable an elderly woman who is an avid pants-shitter to break the security on WEP protected networks, thus giving her access to the network that the WEP encryption was supposed to be protecting.  Look forward to it!  It's coming soon.  It's looking Monday-Tuesdayish due to my super packed ultra long work-weekend. 

P.S.  I went geocaching the other day and it was really fun.  I'm sure I'll write more about it sometime.  Try it.
Geocaching!  It's fun.  Do it.  Papers whitewashed with photoshop to protect the cool people who signed in on the log we found.


1 comment:

  1. I went geocaching, and inside of a bottle was a brain dallus. I wish I wouldn't have done it. . .
