Thursday, April 21, 2011

Click this link or someone in your family will die tonight and you deny Jesus Christ in your heart.

First and foremost, you are not going to die tonight and neither is your family.  You are not going to hell, and this post certainly will not guarantee you a seat in heaven.  Viewing this post will not influence the course of your life in any way whatsoever.  Well, it will influence your life in a very positive way, or at least it will if I have anything to do with it, it will.  Hopefully this blog will bring you some sort of enjoyment.

This post is actually the foundation for a post that I'll make in a day or so after I comb over a few results.  This post has nothing to do with you dying, or your family dying, or you going to hell or making it to heaven based on your clicking or not clicking of this link.

I'm seeing if there's actually an influence of chain-letter style headings which I despise, hate, loathe, condemn, shun, and every other word that can be used to express my sheer disgust with the things.  I'm sure it WILL have an influence, but I'm just curious as to how much, I'd say the effectiveness of chain-letter-esque things hit its peak in the mid to late 90's.  I'll fill you all in in a day or two with the final verdict.

Results will be posted after they're observed :).

Please help this little "experiment," be a success and spread this link around.  Share it on facebook, e-mail it to people, send it over IM, etc.  At the bottom of the post, there are some sharing options, use them!



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