Sunday, May 1, 2011

Excuses + Quick flower battle update.

This past week I've been really sick.  Nearly twenty-four of the twenty-four hours a day has, I've been under the influence of cough syrup (Nyquil) and old school mamaw concoctions that "cure," illnesses.  The old school "cure," is beginning to convince me that it isn't a cure at all, but a thing that kind of makes you not care so much about being sick while putting you to sleep.  The cure I'm talking about is a semi-modded Hot Toddy something along the lines of bourbon, hot water, fresh slices of ginger root, black peppercorns, and a bunch of honey.  You sip on it, pleasantly burn your throat to death with all of the delicious spices, and after a while . . . you go to sleep.

Yeah, that's what I'm blaming for the lack of what I would consider "good content," on this blog.  Hopefully I'll be healed up in the coming days.

SO!  Flower update, right?  Zinnia:  KILLING IT! (9 sprouts!!!)  Marigold: Kinda . . . poking it? (3 sprouts).  This could be a tortoise and the hare sort of battle though, only time shall tell.  Here's two shots from early this morning:



These were taken this morning, like I said.  It's crazy how fast they're growing though, it has shocked me.  The Zinnia went from 7 sprouts this morning to 9 as of right now (2:45 AM).  The Marigold went from 1 sissy little sprout to 3 as of right now (still 2:45 AM).

Verdict as of now:  Red "Just Cause" Zinnia is stomping 5000 flower petal laden mud holes in French "Infant Jesus of Prague" Marigold.

I planted some herbs tonight though.  Some dill, parsley, and basil.  It's gonna be awesome when I'm pickin' those bad boys.  More things to come!

My energy is dwindling, the nyquil is whoopin' be right now and I feel as though I'm sinking into some jell-o mixed with a ball pit mixed with some marshmallows mixed with some of that non-firm gooey tofu that you sometimes get from crappy Asian restaurants when you really are hoping to god that they give you the really awesome firm tofu.

Bed time.

P.S.  That unused TV On The Radio ticket is still up for grabs.  The bassist died, and that show would have been his last ever of his whole life.  So, yeah, if anyone is into that band at all, let me know and I will mail you the unused ticket so you can cherish it as a souvenir and maybe lie and make up stories about how you were supposed to be there.  I wont tell.  Zack Mullins has successfully inherited the unused ticket.



  1. Well you want the unused ticket, brah?!

  2. I hope that every time you say herbs you pronounce the "h".

  3. Kyuss- Demon CleanerMay 1, 2011 at 3:10 AM

    I bet if you had some of that firm tofu you'd have a thai smile on your face right now.

  4. Aren't you supposed to? "her-bzz?"

  5. Hahahahahahaha, whoever you are Kyuss- Demon Cleaner, you have the sweetest name of all time.

    And yes, I would. I miss that place more than anything in the world. I've had Thai food that's close to the quality of their, but I haven't had any that beats it yet. My next KY journey, you better believe I'm going there to pay my respects, fill my stomach, and sweat my face off.

  6. then gimme the ticket wildman!

  7. Send your address to and I'll have 'er out in the morning!

  8. Matt, you really have issues.

  9. Damn wish i could of got that ticket.

  10. Kitt, eat shit.

    Mikie, I actually have one single ticket left, and I'd be willing to sacrifice it for you.

    Send me your address.

  11. Matt, get your period in a tank of sharks.
