Friday, May 27, 2011

Sub-Par-"Update," Or Maybe Not Even.

My new laptop got its first decoration to commemorate and acknowledge the existence of the Linux operating system on it.  It's Tux the penguin.
    Haven't updated the past bit, I'm working on the guide to walk people through cracking WEP protected wireless networks (their own, of course, anything else would be illegal) for total dumb dummies that don't know anything.  In other words, I'm making a tutorial that could enable an elderly woman who is an avid pants-shitter to break the security on WEP protected networks, thus giving her access to the network that the WEP encryption was supposed to be protecting.  Look forward to it!  It's coming soon.  It's looking Monday-Tuesdayish due to my super packed ultra long work-weekend. 

P.S.  I went geocaching the other day and it was really fun.  I'm sure I'll write more about it sometime.  Try it.
Geocaching!  It's fun.  Do it.  Papers whitewashed with photoshop to protect the cool people who signed in on the log we found.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I went to Elizabeth Park yesterday . . .

CLICK THE PICTURE FOR A BIGGER SIZE. This is what you'll see as one collective frame if you sit on a bench in Elizabeth Park and fall backwards slowly, letting your head flop backward when your back rests flat.  Top part of the frame: Grosse Ile islan, bottom part of the frame: Elizabeth Park.

    . . . and then that rain cloud in the distance got closer and closer until it eventually came to be right over top of me.  It didn't just bring itself, it brought lightning, hail, tons of rain, and a double rainbow.  Needless to say, it ended my bike riding endeavor around the park.  Super skinny tires on wet pavement usually don't mix very well and I don't want to kill my bike with water just yet.  Maybe next time.
    As for right now, I'm about to ride down to my Aunt Mary's place of work so she can cut my hair.  My hair is getting to this level . . .

    . . . and I don't like my hair getting to that level.
    Wish me luck on not getting hit by cars, stabbed, shot, burned alive, drowned, tortured, robbed, etc. by street hooligans.


Monday, May 23, 2011

New friends are good, cool, fun, rad. Ride bikes.

Click the picture for a bigger/better version.
    I'm beginning to be thankful for the people I've tried to lure out to ride bikes with me that have shut me down, backed out, or ignored the offer.  Without all of you baby weaklings that are scared of the world outside of the safety of your home and cradle of your mother's arms, I wouldn't have prowled the mean streets of the Motor City by my lonesome and met all kinds of random super cool people that owned the streets with me, setting fire to the ground that our tires touched.
    It was an interesting day.  Started off with Kristina, she's on the left.  We killed the streets for a few hours, ate some Thai food, then we ran into this guy on the right, Jacob.  He's cool too.  We rode bikes forever, randomly went geocaching, succeeded, left notes, signed logs, took presents, left presents, continued!  We went to his place, the 21st floor of the Millender Tower in downtown where the above picture was taken.  From this balcony, we screamed at a guy below complimenting his cool bike.  Across 21 stories of screams via strained and stressed vocal chords, we arranged to meet up at the building entrance in 10 minutes.  He joined the posse.  NEW FRIEND ACQUIRED! 

Four people, one day, all strangers, now friends.  We rolled around until sunset and life was good.  

    I hope that the next time I try to snag some people to come out with me that they oblige and we all have a really awesome time and loathe the moment that we all have to call it a night. Detroit is winning me over more and more each day. Things are great.
    I've been working doubles everyday the past three days, I'm exhausted physically and mentally and I desperately need sleep.  I think I'll indulge in some of that right . . . . . . . . . now.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Honest Abe, that buzta ain't be dead.

I'm a' honest man
I'm a' honest lover
Stand by my word
Don't know no other 
    I've been riding one of  my new bikes around Taylor all morning, the lovely blue mid-80's Fuji that I'm loving.  I'm riding around, hoping that the 50% chance of precipitation doesn't strike like a cobra and destroy me, my bike, my camera, and my laptop.  Maybe a dumb move, probably a brave one, nevertheless I'm going up against it full force, no hesitation.  The Fuji is one of the five beauties that I acquired yesterday by trading my BMX bike off to a man from Romeo Michigan.  Was it an even trade?  I feel as though it was, but honestly I don't really care if it was or not, I'm loving these bikes and I'm sure whoever rides them with me in the future will too.  Here's an awful shot of the bike I took to show one of my friends.  I'm sure better pictures that involve my bikes are in store for the future, but for the moment, I'm sure that this one shall suffice:

    Yep, that's it.  Nice, right?  Right.  Anyways, getting back on topic, I am the living embodiment of Abraham Lincoln in his prime of honesty.  Why?  Because of this:


    I stopped by Starbucks to grab some tea and get online for a bit, so of course I'm going to put my money on a card first since it gets you free refills and other stuff like that.  I walk up to the counter, give the lady my card, hand her a $10 and say "I wanna put $10 on my card."  She says "Alright," and finishes the job.  I get my tea and have a seat.
    I open my laptop, get online, and check my balance to see how close I am to moving up in rank to get cooler stuff (1 purchase, for the record).  I notice that I have $17.93 as a remaining balance and I previously had a balance of nothing, zero dollars, zero cents and I had just given the woman a $10.  So instead of having $7.93 left, I had an additional $10.  A mistake, obviously.  She gave me $20 in credit instead of the $10 I had paid for.  Normally this would be a cool situation for a bad guy, but I'm a good guy.  I inform the lady, and to help her out even further, I go ahead and give her the other $10 since I'm sure that I'll end up drinking it up at some point in time anyways.  Honesty at its finest.
    I ended up landing a free cup of tea for it all, not $10 worth of tea, more around $0.53 worth of tea, but oh well.  It felt good and it was a nice gesture.  Detroit isn't full of assholes, thieves, murderers, and junkies.  I'm proof, so come and visit.  Detroit is cool.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

R.I.P. Awesome BMX Bicycle Of Mine. 2009-2011. I will miss you . . .

R.I.P. 2009 - 2011.

    Beloved BMX bicycle of mine that I have cherished for years, today . . . we part ways.  

    Today, BMX riding dies once and for all in my life.  It's a sad, strange, and hard thing for me to admit, but it's true.  I don't believe that I will ever again be into BMX.  I've had one too many stitches and surgeries thanks to BMX.  I love(d) it while it lasted (since I can recall breathing) but I can't really risk smashing myself to death anymore.  One reason is due to lack of insurance, so if I get hurt, I'm done for.  And two, I'd like to focus more on getting in good overall shape.  Hence this bike being traded for some truly awesome road bikes that I plan to ride to death.
    That's right, today, a new era in my bike life begins.  I'm trading my beastly BMX bike off to FIVE road bikes!  EXCITING.  A Kabuki, a Fuji, a Schwinn Voyager, a Windsor, and a Concord Pro 2.  All awesome bikes.  Armed with these, I'm hoping to have some super bike rides with friends reminiscent of "Whitesburg Bike Punx," but of course minus the original cast and crew of perfection.
    We'll see what happens.  I'm hoping for the best.  I'm excited, I'm happy, but I'm also a little sad seeing my bike leave along with a lifelong thus far era of my life.  Here's to it.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Forty-One Degrees Fahrenheit? Five Degrees Celsius? Plus Five?

    Here in Metro-Detroit, it's 41° F.  Why?  A day ago it was in the eighties.  Michigan is a strange place, the weather here confuses me.  I like it though, it doesn't seem as though it can make up its mind now or any time in the near future.  Obviously nobody knows it and it does what it wants.
    What's going on today?  Well, my plants are killing it.  They're growing awesomely underneath this really sweet 4" plant light that I bought the other day.  I have so many things growing in this big seed starter tray that I got from Meijer's for liek $2.  In the tray right now there are Marigolds, Zinnias (the Just Cause krew), Heavenly Blue Morning Glory's, Moonflowers (interplanetary shit), Sun Flowers, Nasturtiums, Basil, Dill, and Parsley.  I'm pretty excited about my Basil Boyz, they look so . . . meaty, and they're just babies right now.  Check them out:

The Holy Basil Boyz, related to The Beaver Boys, fueled by white wine and shrimp.

    Life lately has been relatively boring, mainly due to the lack of skrilla being acquired to blow to fund things such as going places, buying things, and doing stuff which is mainly due to lack of work which is totally due to the boat that I work on not going on many cruises yet which prevents me from working which causes this whole shit cyclone cycle of nothing.  That will all come to a close soon and I'll be complaining about working too much.  I suppose I'm doomed to never be satisfied with life, maybe I should just go eat worms or die.
    On a more pleasant note, away from the topic of dying and eating worms and dissatisfaction with life, I made a pretty sweet little package for my super cool friend Dale Mackey (click the name for her equally super cool blog) down South in ole Knoxville, Tennessee.  I thought it turned out pretty good:

Presents!  On the way to Knoxville in the morning. 
    Ok this sucks, Starbucks is closing so it's time for me to cut it short and leave.  Typos and all of that will have to be corrected later, but who cares.  I'm posting this, the internet at my house is practically non-existent.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Looks like Blogspot kinda blew it . . .

    . . . and deleted EVERYONE's last post.  It was down for what, over 24 hours I think?  That sucked.  So I suppose I'll attempt to recreate my last post, but in a condensed form.

    I went downtown the other day and rode my bike for hours and hours.  It was awesome to finally have weather worthy enough to ride a bike around without a jacket on.  My super white flesh even burned a little bit, it's kind of sad how white I am.   Here's the only picture I took, click it for a bigger version:

Super panoramic!  If you click it, it'll show you a bigger version.  The REAL version is about 50+ times bigger than this, literally.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I don't have any brains left.


I had no idea until just then . . .

My mind is blown.

And if you didn't know:

According to this crazy ridiculous Christian TV show, The Beach Boys wouldn't exist without the demonic forces of satan. In that case thank god for satan and his demonic forces for creating The Beach Boys and The Ramones.

It's crazy that this stuff was actually allowed on TV, and it's even sadder that a lot of people actually bought into it.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Looks Like Rain.

It looks like rain up here in Metro-Detroit.


Here's some more old archive footage I found, edited, and put a song I liked to it. I couldn't find this song on YouTube, so I figured that I would make an awesome contribution to the world by using it. So yeah, enjoy it!  06-20-2010

    I'm guessing it looks like rain down there in Kentucky as well based on reports I'm getting from friends.  Looks like rain down there, looks like rain up here.  Might as well listen to "Brighter - Looks Like Rain" since well, it looks like rain outside and this song rules to an immeasurable extent.  If you like it, I can hook you up with/point you in the right direction for tons more stuff like this and more stuff by this band, just say so in a comment or something!  It can be pretty hard to dig up sometimes, but I know where it's hiding at.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

REST IN PEACE: French "Infant Jesus Of Prague" Marigold, You Are Dead Now.

Rest in peace, young nigga, there's a heaven for a G. (yeah I know there's a typo on the picture, it was a copy/paste, I left its charm.)

    Yes, you read that right . . . FIJOPM is dead. Meaning that the flower battle of the millennium is over with and by default Red "Just Cause" Zinnia is the winner.  No, I'm not going to get excited about it or anything like that, this is tragic.  My heart is broken and I'm sure that some of you out there are crying your eyes out.  Too bad those tears wont revive little ole FIJOPM.  I'm just going to . . . ignore this.  There will be a new flower battle though, you can count on that.  It might be some sort of watermelon grow off or a white pumpkin weight competition, who knows, maybe I'll ask for recommendations.  So, does anyone have any recommendations as to what the next competition should be?  If you do, leave it in a comment.
    I'm sure that you're now wondering "What the hell happened to FIJOPM?"  Well, it isn't what you're thinking.  I didn't forget to water him or anything like that.  This is what happened.  I was moving all of my plants (I have a lot of them) that are all in tiny plastic cups with dirt in them.  I was moving them to a windowsill that the sun was hitting really well at the time.  I have around 10-15 cups, so instead of taking them one by one, I was trying to move them in bulk by clasping like 5 per hand, a finger in each, and them walking to the window.  This didn't work so well when you factor in the little blue trays that the war was being waged in.  I placed him down on the windowsill and . . . he fell.  Splattered everywhere.  It was graphic . . . Here's a gruesome shot of his dead body and innards splattered everywhere.  It's graphic, you've been warned:

    Harsh.  I'm done with this.  You will be miss French IJOP Marigold . . .

    And while I'm thinking about it, in regards to my last post, my little brother had a release note he'd like to share:

The focus is not so prime, but I can make out the shape of you. The Blurring says that you’re like me. So, I’ll tell you about these songs let out as miserable vulgarity, or vulnerable almost-humming.

It was a hotel room in Texas, and I wasn’t the only contributor; There was Machlyn Blair who gave a good humming vibration that cannot be singled out on the tape, and another boy with bright blond hair that would sometimes play the guitar for me on some of the more poppy-gone tracks.

The sounds here were all made of what was immediate in the air, and what was ready to expel from within. They are nothing profound, as I believe this kind of shouting and mess are common teenage expressions of self-flagellation, or fun. The jutting sections of this work, the ones with curses and harshness, I hope will not scratch at the sense and morality of any listener as they are a record of a kind of exorcism.

It was hard for me to allow the release of these recordings, and it barely excaped being handed over to Machlyn Blair for a memento of our trip to Austin. May the age I was, and it’s somewhat innocence, protect me from any harsh claims of faulty morals or spirit. Today, I am not so much able to bring up such monsters from the inner pool because they have mostly left me through times of outrageous letting go as is found in this one recorded instance of many.

These songs are for your interpretation, show the sky-dwellers that you have a heart that filters evil and recognizes the good, listen to a track completely and make it good even it is the worst thing you ever let in your ears. We will able with each other to help.

I hope to release more music soon, and am also working on some Hypnosis tapes for your self improvement, I promise they will contain no vulgarity of ill direction.

As Ever,

    Iff you missed it last post, I finally released that cassette tape I was digitizing of my little brother.  It's honestly some of the best stuff I've heard in forever, all 20 tracks of it.  You can download the entire album for free, or you can use the option to throw him a dollar or two for it.  You can stream OR download the whole thing here:

Burn it up!


Friday, May 6, 2011

Finally being released! "Tommy Anderson - Songs That Puke!!!"

The album art for "Tommy Anderson - Songs That Puke!!!"

    So, today's the day that I unleash the tape that I've been working on the past few days.  It's going to be a really good day, let me tell you.
    Let me give you a quick background of what this tape is.  This is 46-47 solid minutes of my little brother recording totally improvised music while sitting around in a hotel room with some friends while he was in Texas with AMI.  The tape was recorded several years ago when he was around the age of 16 or so. All of it was recorded on a cassette tape, which he let me borrow quite a few months back and I just rediscovered.  After rediscovering it, I digitized and cleaned it up quite a bit.
    While I let the tape play, letting my computer record it, I sat and listened to it.  This was the first time I had given it a solid listen through.  Sitting there listening to it, it was the saddest, strongest feeling of nostalgia I've had in years even though I wasn't even there (although I usually was when he would play music like this).  It reminded me of so many good times, and what I consider to be the prime of my life in retrospect.  The tape is happy, it's sad, it's hopeful, it's stupid, it's fun, it's romantic, it's angry, it's raw, it's honest, but most of all, it's real life shit from a real life boy in a point of his life that you will never know him in.  I love this tape, and hopefully you will too.  Tommy, my little brother, is the only person I've ever met that can come up with this quality of music this fast right off of the top of his head, it's amazing to me.  If you know my brother, you know what I'm talking about.  He's different.
     You can download the album below from the bandcamp website we set up.  You can listen to all of the tracks on the website or you can download the album as a whole by clicking "Buy Now," and putting in whatever you want to pay to download it (yes, that even includes the price of $0.00, meaning that it's free if you want it to be).
     So if you enjoy it and have some spare change lying around, throw it his way by paying a few dollars for the album download.  If you love the music and just want it, fuck it, download it, love it, and spread it around.

Download the album here -->


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

2nd Wave of Fallen Pictures as Pending Postcards! 3 Total!

Thanks everybody for the interest!  This was an interesting round, one went to Tennessee and the other two went to two different sides of Australia.  Keep up with the blog for more rounds of picture send outs as postcards, there are over a hundred left waiting to fall off of my wall.  Subscribe to the blog via e-mail to the right, or follow with your Google or blogger account!  Many, many things coming up in the future, keep up!

    As promised, here's the second wave of picture's that are slowly trickling off of my wall, morphing into postcards.  This is fun, to me anyways haha.  I hope people enjoy getting postcards as much as I like sending them.
    Since the start of this blog, I have sent postcards to:
  • The Netherlands
  • China
  • Portland, OR
  • Eastern Kentucky (Pike/Letcher/Knott Counties)
  • Canton, MI
  • Detroit, MI
  • Harper Woods, MI
  • San Antonio, TX
    Yeah!  Making tracks.  I've noticed I have readers from Germany, Singapore, Indonesia, Russia, Iran,  Malaysia, Canada, and The United Kingdom.  So where are you guys?  Speak up!  I'll send you a postcard and I'll feel really cool and you'll feel really cool.  It's a win-win situation.  Nobody loses, except me, because I have to buy stamps.
    Here ya go, the next round.  There's three of them in total.  Call whichever one you want!  And keep in mind, you don't have to get the postcard sent to yourself, you can have me send it to anyone of your choosing.

It's me, in India, raising the Taj Mahal from the ground so everyone can look at it for a few minutes.  The Taj Mahal will seriously blow your mind though if you see it in real life.  It looks FAKE it's so pretty.
Ahh, Miss Yulia Morozova!  The Russian girl that scooped me up, saved my life, and showed me a really awesome time in Louisville Kentucky.  You don't meet people kinder/cooler than her.  This is her, doing some totally illegal shit in a museum (this was an exhibit, she gave zero shits, she jumped the ropes and on into it, she is crazy, I love her).
Child beggars in Jodhpur India in the state of Rajasthan.  They just finished some Saffron Lassi's I got 'em.  These are the kind of kids that you want to take home and show a good life to.  Too bad I couldn't . . .

     That's all I have for this time around.  You know what to do, call the one you want, then e-mail me the name and address you would like it sent to at:


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Flower Fight: DAY #6. Plus old guys flying helicopters in my back yard? That rules.

Old guys with a crazy helicopter in the backyard next to me. They obviously know what's going on.
    Before we get into the flower battle, I'd just like to say that the neighbors to the right of me are awesome.  The old guy holding the remote control is the guy who lives there, I dunno where blue hat guy came from but I'm pretty sure he knows things about sweet helicopters like this one.  He walked around it a lot, putting out his hand here and there like he was absorbing to giving some kind of super natural energy.  Maybe he was high?  I don't know.  Probably.
    This was taken yesterday when I heard something like a vacuum cleaner / jet engine going crazy outside of my window.  I jumped up to see what was going on since that sound really isn't something that is common.  I see these two guys testing out the sweetest, craziest looking helicopter I've ever seen in my whole life.  There is what seems to be some kinda jet-like engine on the back, you can see it a little bit on the tail (gold-ish colored cylinder).  I couldn't figure out how it was powered.  There were no blades attached on the top of the helicopter, that's what made me assume they were testing things since where they should have been was spinning like a vortex.  This thing looked serious.  Loud, fast, and fo' real.  I wanted to see it take off so bad, but no dice!  Maybe in the future, and if so, expect a video.  I'm jealous of this thing, I want one.  It looks awesome.  It would undoubtedly land me in jail somehow if I had one though, I have a gut feeling.

    Flower talk!  The war wages on.  Zinnia is still killing it although the marigolds are forces to be reckoned with in the height department.  First to bloom?  WHO KNOWS.  The Zinnias have 10 sprouts!  The Marigolds have 5!  Here's what my garden is looking like thus far.  Tons of cups starting out seedlings!

A fraction of the future garden, hanging tightly in my windowsill.
And a few angles of the contenders. 
French "Infant Jesus of Prague" Marigold on the left and Red "Just Cause" Zinnia on the right. 
    So, who do you think will win and why?

    OH YEAH!  And by the morning, I'll have new pictures listed that are dying to leave my room and land in your hands with the help of the U.S. Postal Service.  So keep an eye out.  If you're in the USA, China, Chile, Norway, Australia, or whatever, it doesn't matter.  If you are on planet Earth, I will get a postcard to you if you want one!

    And if you don't have a blogspot account to follow this blog, you can subscribe through your e-mail!  The box to do so is on the right hand side.  Don't be shy now, subscribe, comment, inquire, suggest, criticize, request, etc.


Tommy Anderson - Songs That Puke!!! (COMING SOON!)

Album art to Tommy Anderson - Songs That Puke!!!

After two days and several takes, I've successfully digitized and cleaned up the entire cassette tape that my little brother Tommy gave me a few months ago.  Today sometime, or within the next few days, I'll have the album up on bandcamp so you can download it (or give Tommy a dollar or two and download it!).  I just have to let him hear the final product, get some track names, etc.

One thing that you can count on is it being some of the best stuff you'll ever hear in your life.  It doesn't get much more real than this.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

I miss my cat. I miss you Blue Daldon.

I miss this little biscuit making lion.

Excuses + Quick flower battle update.

This past week I've been really sick.  Nearly twenty-four of the twenty-four hours a day has, I've been under the influence of cough syrup (Nyquil) and old school mamaw concoctions that "cure," illnesses.  The old school "cure," is beginning to convince me that it isn't a cure at all, but a thing that kind of makes you not care so much about being sick while putting you to sleep.  The cure I'm talking about is a semi-modded Hot Toddy something along the lines of bourbon, hot water, fresh slices of ginger root, black peppercorns, and a bunch of honey.  You sip on it, pleasantly burn your throat to death with all of the delicious spices, and after a while . . . you go to sleep.

Yeah, that's what I'm blaming for the lack of what I would consider "good content," on this blog.  Hopefully I'll be healed up in the coming days.

SO!  Flower update, right?  Zinnia:  KILLING IT! (9 sprouts!!!)  Marigold: Kinda . . . poking it? (3 sprouts).  This could be a tortoise and the hare sort of battle though, only time shall tell.  Here's two shots from early this morning:



These were taken this morning, like I said.  It's crazy how fast they're growing though, it has shocked me.  The Zinnia went from 7 sprouts this morning to 9 as of right now (2:45 AM).  The Marigold went from 1 sissy little sprout to 3 as of right now (still 2:45 AM).

Verdict as of now:  Red "Just Cause" Zinnia is stomping 5000 flower petal laden mud holes in French "Infant Jesus of Prague" Marigold.

I planted some herbs tonight though.  Some dill, parsley, and basil.  It's gonna be awesome when I'm pickin' those bad boys.  More things to come!

My energy is dwindling, the nyquil is whoopin' be right now and I feel as though I'm sinking into some jell-o mixed with a ball pit mixed with some marshmallows mixed with some of that non-firm gooey tofu that you sometimes get from crappy Asian restaurants when you really are hoping to god that they give you the really awesome firm tofu.

Bed time.

P.S.  That unused TV On The Radio ticket is still up for grabs.  The bassist died, and that show would have been his last ever of his whole life.  So, yeah, if anyone is into that band at all, let me know and I will mail you the unused ticket so you can cherish it as a souvenir and maybe lie and make up stories about how you were supposed to be there.  I wont tell.  Zack Mullins has successfully inherited the unused ticket.
