Friday, May 6, 2011

Finally being released! "Tommy Anderson - Songs That Puke!!!"

The album art for "Tommy Anderson - Songs That Puke!!!"

    So, today's the day that I unleash the tape that I've been working on the past few days.  It's going to be a really good day, let me tell you.
    Let me give you a quick background of what this tape is.  This is 46-47 solid minutes of my little brother recording totally improvised music while sitting around in a hotel room with some friends while he was in Texas with AMI.  The tape was recorded several years ago when he was around the age of 16 or so. All of it was recorded on a cassette tape, which he let me borrow quite a few months back and I just rediscovered.  After rediscovering it, I digitized and cleaned it up quite a bit.
    While I let the tape play, letting my computer record it, I sat and listened to it.  This was the first time I had given it a solid listen through.  Sitting there listening to it, it was the saddest, strongest feeling of nostalgia I've had in years even though I wasn't even there (although I usually was when he would play music like this).  It reminded me of so many good times, and what I consider to be the prime of my life in retrospect.  The tape is happy, it's sad, it's hopeful, it's stupid, it's fun, it's romantic, it's angry, it's raw, it's honest, but most of all, it's real life shit from a real life boy in a point of his life that you will never know him in.  I love this tape, and hopefully you will too.  Tommy, my little brother, is the only person I've ever met that can come up with this quality of music this fast right off of the top of his head, it's amazing to me.  If you know my brother, you know what I'm talking about.  He's different.
     You can download the album below from the bandcamp website we set up.  You can listen to all of the tracks on the website or you can download the album as a whole by clicking "Buy Now," and putting in whatever you want to pay to download it (yes, that even includes the price of $0.00, meaning that it's free if you want it to be).
     So if you enjoy it and have some spare change lying around, throw it his way by paying a few dollars for the album download.  If you love the music and just want it, fuck it, download it, love it, and spread it around.

Download the album here -->



  1. That's so rad man... Miss you guys a lot...

  2. Thank you so much for all of the hard work you put into releasing this tape and resurrecting it from what I thought was it's tar-pit of death.

    If it weren't for you I couldn't relive the tracks it the crisp, magnetically-made aura they not exist in.

    Bless you for it all.

    To the listeners, I hope you will hear the tape out, and give each song a measure in your ears. The titles I have given serve to clarify the cryptic teenage messages embedded in them

    Enjoy and share.
