Saturday, April 16, 2011


I miss the western coast.

Both of these pictures were taken on Muir Beach right in the Redwood Forest near San Francisco earlier this year in the beginning of February.  Eighty degree temperatures in early February . . . that was a first.  Grinding my toes into the beach in California when the place I've known my whole life is covered with snow.  It's a nice feeling, almost like you cheated your way into an A on the biggest test of your life and didn't get caught, no one is even suspicious, everyone is just baffled at how damn smart you are.

I'm not sure if you can view these at the resolution at which I uploaded them, but they're pretty high res.  Check 'em out.  Use 'em as your desktop background, make posters out of them and admire my mind blowing skills day in, day out.  Use 'em as ya please if ya so desire.



  1. you take awesome photos, Matt!!! :)

  2. Thanks! I'm glad you like them. If you keep up, there's surely to be hundreds, thousands, and millions more. Once I get all of my old hard drives from KY, I'm wanting to post of old photos that I've taken over the years. So many good times!
